Tuesday, December 8, 2009

WOD 120809

WOD Mighty Mouse
7 Rounds For Time Of:
2 Deadlifts @ 125kg
4 CTB Pull Up
6 CTF Burpees
8 Kettlebell Swings @ 32kg
10 Double Unders

Then run 400m

Completed : 44:36 as Rx'ed!

The most fucking mental workout EVER! My lower back was practically begging me to DNF the motherfucker as I stared at the bar for a good 5 minutes at the fifth round and then again at the 6th round and at the 7th round i stared at it for 8 minutes until Jw came over and got me to just fucking do it! Heh heh. Wasn't as dead tired as usual but you know sometimes the mind-fuckin workouts just tire me out especially. Still gotta love shit that challenges me!

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