Friday, August 28, 2009

WOD 082809

Five rounds for time of:
15 Kettlebell/Dumbell Thrusters @ 35lbs/25lbs
15 Ring Dips

Completed : 19:46

WOD 082709
21-15-9 of:
Handstand Push Ups

Completed : 12:44

The first WOD was bollocks as I went above my head to use the R'xed weight. Obviously too heavy and my form went to hell during the third round as i was favouring my right leg during the squat-to-thrust. Sigh... I MUST remember to 'take it easy'. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will my fitness.

WOD 082609

Weighted Pull Ups

Completed : 20kg, 20kg, 24kg, 24.6kg, 24.6kg

10 Rounds For Time Of:
3 Deadlifts @ 125lbs
5 Clapping Push Ups
7 Toes To Bar

Completed : 20:54

4 'Ghetto' Stations
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Of:
Bicep Curls @ 30lbs
Static Tricep Dips
Overhead Barbell Shoulder Press @ 30kg
Tricep Push Ups

*No time component as the benchmark would be the person doing the bicep curls.

Completed : Shen, John-son, Kai Bin, Jinn

Awesomeness workout although i think i probably fucked myself over as the body is aching like a dick on speed and I couldn't make it to the gym on Thursday.. Ack. I have to, need to, got to start eating foods that help me recover faster. Sigh.

Monday, August 24, 2009

WOD 082409

In 20 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Completed : 15Rounds + 5 + 7

WOD 082209
Three rounds of:
Run 1.6km
*These are all-out efforts. Time each run separately, rest time between each run is equal to time taken to complete previous round.

Completed : 10:34, 10:08, 8:40

The second WOD was supposed to be a max effort run but either I didn't read it properly or someone forgot to tell me that I was supposed to run at max effort. So yes, that explains the dick 10 minute time. Fuckerlingams. I thought I'd try to CTF Cindy but after about 8 rounds it turned out to be more of a "shirt + belly" to floor. Shit. My chest is not strong enough YET for the full ROM. Chauhai.

WOD 082109

"4500kgs for time."

Bring a total of 4,500kgs (3,000kgs for women) from ground to overhead.
- You choose the weight and exercise. Kettlebells, dumbells, or barbell, your choice.
- Every rep must start from the ground and finish overhead.
- Example would be to do 188 reps of KB Clean & Jerk @ 24kg(188 X 24kg=4512kgs).
- Record total time, reps and exercise used.

*For those who are curious, a medium sized Asian elephant weighs in at about 4,500kgs. So, move that elephant for time!

Completed : 37:59 (30lbs x 165 reps)

"Classic Abs"
100 Sit Ups
75 Bicycle Crunches
50 Leg Raises
25 Dynamic Side Planks

Completed : 10:59

Nice workout which left me with sore traps as I did mostly clean and jerks with the dumbells. Great workout to clear off the week and for the coming week, it's back to hopefully gonig to the gym 4 times a week as opposed to a slightly 'restier' 3 time workout week. Sweet Jay'sis!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

WOD 081909

2 minutes of Double Unders
2 minutes of Sit Ups
90 seconds of Double Unders
90 secs of Sit Ups
1 minute of Double Unders
1 minute of Sit Ups
30 seconds of Double Unders
30 seconds of Sit Ups
* Record total number of reps completed.

Completed : 97, 151 = 248

3 Rounds For Time Of:
10 Alternating Sandbag Clean @ 70lbs
20 Spiderman Push Ups
400m Overhead Medicine Ball Run @ 20lbs
*Penalty for stopping during the run is to do 5 squats with the Medicine Ball

Completed : 32:10

The first WOD was a piece of shit personally as I was brought back to the ground with the double unders. It wasn't the workout problem but i figured that I would at least have improved with them since i started over two months ago. I could blame my overall lack of sleep and the unfamiliarty with the skipping rope or how my shoe was broken or the shoelaces which kept coming off but honestly, I just have myself to blame. Yeah. because I didn't sleep enough and I didn't practice the double unders enough. Fuck. Time to start back at the drawing board again. Sigh. On a lighter note however, the second workout was an awesome workout although the 400 overhead runs floored me totally. Crazy shite going on there. I think its time I try cleaning the 70lbs sandbags with consistent form. Or rather, I HAVE to.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

WOD 081809 "Pey"

"Happy Birthday Pey!"

Three rounds for time of:
18 Pull Ups
8 Handstand Push Ups
19 Ring Dips
83 Squats

Completed : 18:21

"Tyre Duo" 15 Minutes AMRAP:
10 tyre flips + tyre hope
10 hammer slams + push up

1 rep is when both sets of excercises are completed

Completed : 3.5 rounds (with Kai Bin)

Back in the groove of working out after 3 days of nonexistent exercise and rest. The first exercise was a really good short yet sweet and 'pumped' workout. I haven't been getting enough rest recently due to my spending time with the Pee-Es-Tree and playing the role of Niko Bellic a lil too much!

Monday, August 17, 2009

WOD 081409

Three rounds of:
21 Ring Dips
15 Dumbell Power Snatch R @ 35lbs/25lbs
21 Ring Dips
15 Dumbell Power Snatch L @ 35lbs/25lbs

Completed : 21:03 + 21 ring dips extra!

Friday, August 14, 2009

WOD 081309

In 15 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
10 Medicine Ball Cleans
10 Pull Ups

Completed : 8 rounds + 10 + 7

3 Rounds for the time of :
20m Sandbag Walk
20 Ring Rows
20m Army Crawl
20 Kettlebell Slashers @ 16kg

Completed : 15:37

It's officially Push More play day on Thursdays!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

WOD 081209

45-30-15 reps for time of:
Kettelbell Swings @ 24kg
Push Ups
Double Unders

Completed : 16:35

100 Sit Ups
75 Bicycle Crunches
50 Leg Raises
25 Dynamic Side Plank

Completed : 12:14

My thighs were burning from Tuesday's workout and it affected me with the swings and double unders. I still need to improve on double unders and my overall performance which basically is properly pacing myself and focusing on the workout without running away on different thoughts during breathers. Legs have always been a problem for me as it is one of my least favorite areas to work on but fuck that i'm gonna balance it starting NOW!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WOD 081109

Four rounds for time of:
400m Run
50 Squats

Completed : 15:35

In 20 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
15 Sit Ups
Completed : 9 Rounds + 5 + 9

Sigh.. Andrew literally mutilated the cardio with those goddamned burpees! Tableh naik siut after the 4th and 5th round. However after reading through John-Hans' article about getting pissed on by classless corporate motherfuckdogs when you're down and learning humility all over again from the experience to improve further has motivated me to work harder (as corny as it sounds-lah) and get stronger and improve further through this whole crossfit journey. Bring the pain baby!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

WOD 080809 Malacca Swimming!

'Swimming In The Haze'
3 Rounds for time of :
120m breast stroke
30 sit ups
30 burpees
30 lunges

Completed : 32:05

DANG! Swimming crossfits are much different from the usual crossfit workouts that i've been doing recently and i guess it showed with the shit time. Getting into the pool and swimming after the burpees and lunges wasn't exactly fun but hey pain is fun so oh yeah bebeh! Didn't really feel the strain the day after so maybe i could've done the workout with a little more brutality and enthusiasm.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

WOD 080609

21-15-9 reps for time of :
Double Kettlebell Squats @ 24kg
Handstand Push Ups

Completed : 6:45 (Sub Kettlebell @ 20kg)

This isn't really as bad as it looks. Its a piggyback!

"Team WOD"
3 Rounds for time of :
30 Sandbag passes
20m Alligator pushups
20m Piggyback runs
20m Wheelbarrows

Completed : 29:11 (Partnered with Soon Min)

Sweet workouts although i think i missed the proper form with the double KB squats as the trainers noticed that i was using more of my right legs to support the weight during the squats. The second workout was what I would call a 'mofo bitch'! Looks and reads like its easy but its acutally bloody muscuvascularly agonizing. But I would still do it without a second thought again!


Fitness & Personal Goals before the end of 2009 :

1. Run a 10km marathon
2. Work harder in PushMore and get at least a 10% improvement rate in completion time
3. STOP Smoking by 21st December 2009
4. Crossfit even though I am unable to work out in PushMore. No excuses and no turning back!
5. Do muscle ups!

As they all quote and say, a fitter body and mind improves our lifestyle and work. So here's to the end of the year of work out improvements and to motivate myself to go further in work, be it where i am now or somewhere else.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

WOD 080609

"Evette" (Eva's younger less brutal sister)
5 Rounds for time of :
400m Run
15 Kettlebell swings @ 32kg
15 Pull ups

Completed : 31:04 (Sub 28kg Kettlebell)

100 Weighted Sit Ups @ 16kg

Completed : 5:48

First time going for the 28kg KB's and I think it wasn't half as bad as i thought it would be but the workout was very taxing on the cardio; well for me at least lah, diu. My other goal is to try do Eva by the end of this year. Also as part of my plan to get trim and fit before the end of the year for the 10km run, i will start doing additional workouts apart from the WOD's!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

WOD 080409

Three rounds for time of:
15 Kettlbell Clean & Jerk 24kg/16kg L & R
21 Pull Ups

Completed : 25:05

For the time of :
100 Chest To Floor (CTF) Push Ups

Completed : 6:02

The workouts got me feeling pumped as a nerd on 'roids man! Awesome hard workout for a Monday but well worth the pain. In the second round I missed out on the pull-ups as i ended up doing only 15 but compensated the 6 extra in the third round. Ugh. Forearms seem... funny. I think i'm gonna start doing chest to floor as often as possible as I think that's gonna help with my strength and endurance to a certain extent so here we go y'all!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

WOD 080109

Death By Burpees With a continuously running clock, do one Burpee the first minute, two Burpees the second minute, three Burpees the third minute, continuing as long as you are able.
*Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Completed : 14 rounds + 13

3 Rounds of:
400m Run

21 Kettlebell Swings @ 24kg
12 Pull Ups

Completed : 19:00

Great to be back in Pushmore y'all! Damn burpees whipped the nuts outta my sack and by the time I got down with Helen and the slightly heavier weight, the run and swings had me trying my hardest not to meet Pukie The Clown in the shitter. I guess 19 minutes isn't such a bad time for a first timer but the next time i Helen, i bloody expect a fuckin 15:00 minutes of bust.