Monday, November 30, 2009

WOD 113009

100 Burpees for time.

Completed : 6:51

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

Completed : 100kg, 105kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg

3 Rounds
60m Farmer's Walk @ 32kg
3 Kettlebell Press, Push Press, Push Jerk @ 20kg L/R

Completed : No time component

Burpees Owed : 340

Did the burpees with Kai Bin and i'd have to say that it was good and enjoyable to push harder to keep up with my fit as fuck 'twin'; although he completed it 3 seconds earlier. Also burpee'ing for the past 3 weeks did wonders in terms of burpee fitness and pacing. Good workout. Deadlifts were also on form although I would like to believe that I have gotten slightly stronger though it wasn't a PR. Will get more out of deadlifts next week i hope!

Friday, November 27, 2009

WOD 112709

Three rounds for time of:
15 Overhead Squats @ 40kg(M)/30kg(W)
15 L-Pull Ups
15 Kettlebell Swings @ 32kg(M)/24kg(W)

Completed : 22:51 (Sub Barbell 30kg)

Back in the gym and hitting the weight fixes! Felt like crap from overhead squats even with only 30kg and by the third round my form for both L-Pull ups and and Kettle Bell swings were warped. I felt more like flying up with the KB than actually swinging it. Time to get stronger baby!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

WOD 112509

Four rounds of:
Run 400m
Rest 2 minutes

*Make each run an all-out effort. Try to keep your times for each run as close as possible.

Completed : 1:06, 1:12, 1:28, 1:35

Four rounds of:

Run 100m
Rest 1 minute

Completed : 11.6, 12.02, 13.05, 12.13

Run lola run! Run fatboy run! Run forest run! The first two rounds were alright but i'm not satisfied with the overall speed because I KNOW I am able to tap in and get that little bit more fuel to burn and speed up hommie. Tried the 100m as well and realized that my time gets lower due to lack of oxygen. Haha. Damn i got to stop smoking those cigarettes. Less than a month now. Will i stop? Let's hope so.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

WOD 112409

In 15 Minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
10 Box Jumps @ 24"
10 Handstand Push Ups

Completed : 11 Rounds + 10 + 9

Burpees Owed : 460

I am finally back 'home'. The smell of the floor, the clanking sound of barbells being dropped and Killswitch Engage in the background. You can't really ask for more during the workout. Although I think more metal bands would be better. Heh heh heh. I still owe the 460 burpees from my trip overseas and yes I do intend to pay them back! Haha. It's just good to be back y'all!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

WOD 111909

20 Minutes AMRAP
6 T Push Ups
10 Burpees
20 Lunges

Completed : 10 Rounds + 6 + 10 + 8

Burpee Challenge Owed : 153

Ahh. AMRAP stuff. Not bad actually although I thought I’d be able to hit 12 rounds. Sucker punched. I felt that the beginning was a bit lacking in testicular fortitude as I took my time and then realized that I needed to go faster and harder to push my heart rate to max effort. Not too shabby. Will try some strength style work outs tomorrow with Head To Floor HSPU’s without breaking and maybe 50m sprints across the hotel corridors. Wahoo. Did some static in between table dips at the office and will do more tomorrow. By Saturday, my last working day in Morroco I will probably need to hit about 200 – 300 burpees depending on how much I complete tomorrow I’m going to max it all out with a few different variations.

While I think its fun working overseas and stuff, I realized I’ve been infected with this Crossfit Push More drug that I am unable to ween off. Damn! I seriously can’t wait to feel the burn and the pain and sweat and smell of the rubber mats. Maybe for the first time I’ll meet Pukie. Wooo hoo!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WOD 111809

WOD 111209 Istanbul
Angie Subbed
100 Hand Stand Push Ups
100 Burpees
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats

Completed : 28:45

Burpee Challenge Owed : 163

I think hotel room workouts are getting to me. I feel slightly jaded doing pretty much the same things over and over again but I’ll stick through it until I get back. Either way, at least I am working out and making do with what I have. Spoke to John-Son about some different variations of workouts and will try to use my 16 kg backpack as weights and I’ve been youtubing stuff online to see what else I can use to hotel room crossfit. I can’t wait to touch a set of weights and I didn’t think I’d miss the KettleBell swings so much. God I even miss Medicine Testical Cleans and Wall Balls. Ho well. Only a couple more days before I head back.

Monday, November 16, 2009

WOD 111609 Ibis Morocco

10 Rounds For Time Of:
23 Burpees
10 Tuck Jumps

Completed : 36:50

Burpee Challenge Owed : ZERO!
So am I really starting to SUCK?

Burpees again! After yesterdays 120 burpees, I only have 229 burpees to go, so why not do 1 rep more for good measure. Finally! The burpee and tuck jumps were quite fucked up in the most met con way and i suppose my fitness levels have droped due to the lack of proper strength WOD’s or consistent workouts but I soldiered on to complete the workout in the best form possible. I still feel that I could be doing much better if and if and more ifs but that’s only a perception. I’m still not happy with the time I record for the past few workouts but I don’t know. It’s disheartening at times to know that I have improved recently yet I’m just going downhill. But either way, I’m happy I got through the workout and tomorrow its just 110 burpees left and another workout. Maybe a tabata burpee or something like that or an AMRAP. I miss brutal workouts and I miss working out in my ‘extended’ family (considering that its mutual at PushMore) with people kicking my ass or screaming at me to finish the workout BRO!

I enjoy seeing the other part of the world and work but I also miss crossfitting in Push More. Guess sometimes I can’t have the best of both worlds. Can’t wait to come ‘home’.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

WOD 111509 Morocco!

120 Burpees For Time

Completed : 10:00

As I challenged myself to do 11 burpees a day starting from the 8th Of November until the 21st Of November until I finish my work trip overseas and due to the lack of time. I’ve ended up owning up to 300 burpees and another 99 more for tomorrow. So I thought I’d just do 120 burpees to reduce that number. I wanted to work out much more but the jet lag and constant travelling and meetings around the country have left me quite tired and the food which I think is laced with GANJA just wouldn’t let me work out. Excuses eh. Wait til you try the famous kebab’s in Turkey. Then maybe you could judge!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

WOD 111209

WOD 111209 Istanbul
4 Rounds For Time Of:
25 Lunges
25 Sit Ups
25 Flutter Kicks
25 Leg Raises

*4 kicks are equivalent to 1 rep of flutter kicks.

Completed : 25:00

I took too long for this workout. Far too long for my liking. I feel that I’m going backwards in workouts and I feel the need to push harder. But how do you do that when you don’t have the likes of Hans or Cris or MOO giving death growls to SUCK IT UP BOY!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

WOD 111109

WOD 111109 Istanbul
“Jumping Jack Murph”
500 Jumping Jacks
100 Hand Stand Push Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats

500 Jumping Jacks

*Partition the pull ups, push ups and squats as needed.

* At every partition, of 10 push ups, the following sequence is as follows; 10 CTF Push Ups, 10 Clapping Push Ups, 10 Close Gip Push Ups, 10 Push Ups, 10 Burpees

Completed : 52:15

Its impossible to be running 1km and there aren’t any pull up bars around, even the trees are too high for me to do bloody pull-ups! Hence the decision to try to be creative and incorporate different types of push ups at every round since I was going to do it like 20 rounds of Cindy. Shoulders and traps are bound to be sore tomorrow. I wish I could be doing more workouts, but the travelling from state to state is actually quite harrowing and tiring. I know they sound like excuses but I’m not joking. It is weird working out after travelling and the work doesn’t seem to fit into workout timings. But on the flipside, I’ve been doing a lot of walking around because we’re saving cost and walking wherever we can. Hahaha. Yeah it doesn’t make much of a substitute. But yeah. Can’t wait to Crossfit BABY!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

WOD 110809 Istanbul Golden Age 2

“Ice Cold Turkish Ten”
10 Rounds For Time Of :
10 x 7 meter swim
10 burpees

Completed : 31:12

Since the sister hotel had a gym I figured that I’d do some Man Makers and Snatches but once I got to the gym all I found was home gym equipment with rusty weights and a treadmill and NO free weights. So I took a little walk to the indoor pool and hey you know guess what bruv I’ts a 7m by 7m pool. So I thought, fuck it I’ll just do 10 rounds of 10 laps when the Turkish ex-boxer masseur tells me, “You sure you vant to svim?” and I say “Yeah what’s up?” to which he replies “It’s cold no. Going to be winter, heater no work” and while I was trying to digest his somewhat contradicting words I mutter, “There’s two people swimming in there!” and he gives me THE MOST nonchalant face and explains, “Oh they Russian, is no cold. I don’t know thez Russians. They ok with cold!”

Anyway, I thought I’d blaze through the so called ‘short’ 7meter WOD but the ICE cold, I kid you fucking not. The ICE Cold water was fucking with my body and gave me the some sort of negative effect and I thought that I was going to just numb up and wither down the bottom. And towards the 2nd Round of the burpees I was actually thinking of just forgetting the whole workout because it was too cold and a bunch of other useless excuses although it was seriously ice cold. However I remembered a few of the PM’ers always saying that a DNF is forever and you always gotta push yourself! So there I was freezing my nuts off and wanting so badly to find a reason to quit the workout while I looked into 4 walled icy oblivion with 2 hairy Russian men. Well, as stated, I completed the workout after 32 minutes and I felt good that I didn’t quit but I felt like a pussy for dick bitch for whining. Gotta pick it up boy.

On a side note, I think that my strength levels would have been dropping as I’ve not been able to use ANY weights and I’ll be doing 11 burpees every day as part of my 15 day burpee challenge until I reach Malaysian soil. Heh!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

WOD 110709 Istanbul Golden Age 1 Otel

WOD 110709 Istanbul Golden Age 1
For Time Of :

100 Squats
2 Muscle Ups
80 Squats
4 Muscle Ups
60 Squats
6 Muscle Ups
40 Squats
8 Muscle Ups
20 Squats
10 Muscle Ups

Completed : 22:25 (Sub 3 HSPU’s + 3 Elevated ‘Table’ Dips For Muscle Up)

Ah the joys of hotel room workouts! No pull up bar, just HSPU. No ring dips, use a table and put your legs up on the tv table and dip! Heh. Thought the workout was really good and a great one before getting all motherfucking greedy on the free dinner trip which was coming. While I initially thought that the squats would rape my ass, the end was the hspu’s killing me to death and got me doing 6 by 6 to reach 30. Woo hoo! Yes, I miss PM’ing in Push More. Sigh.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

WOD 110509 Izmir Karacas Otel

20 Rounds For Time Of:
1 Burpee
20 Air Squats

Completed : 7:47

For Time Of :
100 CTF Push Ups

Completed : 8:28

Have finally reached Turkey after nearly 24 hours of travelling and going through three time zones. But I thought I’d get down to a workout as I had been eating nearly 4-5 airplane meals which NEVER spells anything GOOD. So I swallowed it in and just went through a quick warm up and the workout. My CTF’s are still shit and based on the last time I did CTF’s I’ve regressed. But either way, I suppose this time it was on ‘perfect form’! J

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

WOD 110309

For time of:
50 Double Unders
50 Push Ups
50 Double Unders
50 Ring Dips
50 Double Unders
50 Handstand Push ups

Completed : 21:09

A last workout for me before I leave to turkey and hit the hotel room workouts. I feel that my double unders are improving slightly and it sucks horse dick that I won't be able to double under for 3 weeks. Hopefully i'll still remember the movement. I'm now going from a bounce-bounce-jump to a bounce-jump where the jump represents the double under. I am starting to like the double under and I can only hope to be able to DU like those crazed fellows in the gym. It's all about the rhythm they say. Something i've never had in my life, I can't dance to save my life and I can't jiggle, wiggle or even try to dance. Knnccb.

Monday, November 2, 2009

WOD 110209

Ten rounds for time of:
12 Burpees
12 Pull ups
Completed : 30:01
Thrag Team WOD
10 Barbell Shovelling @ 30kg L/R
20 10kg Medicine Ball Wall Throws
10 Static Rope Pull Up
Completed : No time component
The workout was quite tiring and I realized I should have paced myself from the start as opposed to going all the way and then resting for 10 years before resuming the other workouts. I am quite dissapointed with my time on this workout as i wantd to finish it in 28 minutes. I guess i'm not that fit 'yet'. However as a met-con workout I felt this workout really maxed out my arms and stamina as it was consecutively doing burpees and pull ups nonstop. Halfway through I was out of breath and I just looked around and watch the monsters in the gym go at it like The Hulk running through brick walls. I have so much more to improve and when I watch these guys go, I actually feel challenged and inspired to go harder and train harder whenever i'm in the gym. Geeze.. am I already a Pushmormon or a Crossfit junkie? Heh. Heh. Heh.

WOD 103109

"Power Elizabeth"

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Power Clean 60kg(M), 50kg(W)
Ring Dips

Completed : 11:42 (BB@50kg)

WOD 103009

Four rounds for time of:
50 Walking Lunges
50 Sit ups

Gritting teeth and zombie walks to ignore the ass hurt!

Completed : 20:08

Deadlift Max Weight

Completed : 110kg, 120kg, 125kg, 130kg, 135kg

My ass is going to fucking hurt tomorrow! Dead lifts were great. I fucking love the deadlift. I managed to lift 10kg heavier than the last time I maxed it. Although it isn't the heaviest weight around, I believe that all it takes are little steps and sooner or later, i'll be kicking assese all weekend long yo!

WOD 102909

Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

Is that it?

Over the past few weeks, we have started including more strength days into our workout programming. The question has often come up, is that it? Is doing 5 sets of 3 reps enough? With the majority of our workouts in the past being Pukie inducing sessions(pools of sweat, seeing stars, the room spinning around etc.), strength workouts would be something new for most PushMore-ians.

Why a strength workout? The obvious answer would be to get stronger. If you have to ask why get stronger, consider the following quote:-

"Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general." - Mark Rippetoe, author of Starting Strength.

Strength is important. No two ways about it.

To get the most out strength days, here are some pointers:-

1. Technique. Strength days normally focus on one lift(Deadlift, Squat, Press etc.). So after a general warm-up, work on your technique before starting on your lifts. Strive to iron out any issues you may have with the movement. Get a coach to check on your form. Technical flaws in movement can only get worse when you add weight to the equation.

2. Sets and progressions. Start with a light weight and do a set of 3-5 reps to groove in the movement. Start your first set with a weight you know can lift. For example, if your 3RM(RM=rep max) for a press is 70kg, start with 60kg or even less than that. Aim to build up to your previous max by the fourth set. On the fifth set, attempt a weight above your previous PR. If you're unsuccessful, just drop the weight back to your previous max. However, if you have not established a previous max, be more conservative with the increases in load. You can always come back another day and try a heavier load.

3. Rest. Between sets, a general rule would be to rest about 3-5 minutes between sets. If you think think you need more rest, take it. When doing heavy strength workouts, mental preparedness plays a big role as well. If you don't feel ready, don't go yet.

4. Intensity. Strength workouts are intense on a whole different level. Depending on the rep range, you may be working extremely hard in the anaerobic(without oxygen) zone for 2-3 seconds each rep. When you take into account the entire set, this places a huge a systemic load on your entire body and nervous system. You may not feel a "pump" similar to doing a met-con workout like Angie or Fran but you should feel like you put everything you had into the lift. And if you are lifting a near maximal or maximal weight, the load on your central nervous system is even larger. So, yeah, strength days are intense.

5. Show Up. Most important of all, show up. You can't get stronger from just watching other people lift weights on YouTube.

Happy lifting!

Completed :
Press (32, 40, 47, 47, 47)
Push Press (40, 45, 50, 50, 50)

As often mentioned, my left shoulder is often my bane for heavier strength workouts as its strength comparison to my right arm / hand/ shoulder / leg is inferior as a Petaling Street rolex. This workout started out exiting for me as I saw it as a good oppurtunity to work on my weakness. So yeah, while it sucked to not be able to lift heavier, I did get to see how 'strong' I am in terms of the press and the push press, so that was great. Also my main man Cris taught me a few small techniques when cleaning the bar so that was cool.