Tuesday, June 30, 2009

WOD 063009

In 12 minutes,do as many rounds as possible of :
10 Ring Dips
10 Sumo Deadlift Highpull @ 32kg

Completed rounds: 8 Rounds + 5 Ring Dips (Sub 28kg kettlebell)

Targeted 8 rounds minimum and hitting 10 rounds would have been great, but probably didn't pace myself well enough after a good start and took too many breathers in between. The dips after the 4th Round were like trying to lift rocks off my shoulder but still tried to maintain the best form possible. Got some advice on how to do kipping pull ups although it seems that i stiffen myself too hard on the upper body area which constricts the whole kipping movement. Also need to learn how to move my hips, alas my inability to dance has translated to functional workouts in Crossfit. Bah.

WOD 062909

100 Kettlebell Clean & Push Press @ 24kg For Time
*This workout is done for total reps for both arms.

Completed : 20:28 (Sub @ 20kg)


First time attempting the 20kg Kettlebell for the clean & press after previously using 16kg and pretty much felt the strain after reaching the 40th rep. Couldn't feel my shoulders at the 90th rep onwards and realized that my form was dwindling, which of course resulted in bruised forearms and shoulders.

I set a target to complete the WOD in under 18 minutes but ended going going 2 minutes over. Bah!

The First Month

Here is what I hope and strive to be an online and constantly updated journal and ephiphany's during the workouts on the day and the progress of which i hope to make from day to day and month to month. Its been exactly a month since i joined PushMore Fitness Centre which a Crossfit affliate and my current addiction; which beats partying or eating fried chicken and cheese and spending too much doing nothing on weekdays eh.

Bring the pain baby!