Saturday, August 1, 2009

WOD 080109

Death By Burpees With a continuously running clock, do one Burpee the first minute, two Burpees the second minute, three Burpees the third minute, continuing as long as you are able.
*Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Completed : 14 rounds + 13

3 Rounds of:
400m Run

21 Kettlebell Swings @ 24kg
12 Pull Ups

Completed : 19:00

Great to be back in Pushmore y'all! Damn burpees whipped the nuts outta my sack and by the time I got down with Helen and the slightly heavier weight, the run and swings had me trying my hardest not to meet Pukie The Clown in the shitter. I guess 19 minutes isn't such a bad time for a first timer but the next time i Helen, i bloody expect a fuckin 15:00 minutes of bust.

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