Wednesday, November 11, 2009

WOD 111109

WOD 111109 Istanbul
“Jumping Jack Murph”
500 Jumping Jacks
100 Hand Stand Push Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats

500 Jumping Jacks

*Partition the pull ups, push ups and squats as needed.

* At every partition, of 10 push ups, the following sequence is as follows; 10 CTF Push Ups, 10 Clapping Push Ups, 10 Close Gip Push Ups, 10 Push Ups, 10 Burpees

Completed : 52:15

Its impossible to be running 1km and there aren’t any pull up bars around, even the trees are too high for me to do bloody pull-ups! Hence the decision to try to be creative and incorporate different types of push ups at every round since I was going to do it like 20 rounds of Cindy. Shoulders and traps are bound to be sore tomorrow. I wish I could be doing more workouts, but the travelling from state to state is actually quite harrowing and tiring. I know they sound like excuses but I’m not joking. It is weird working out after travelling and the work doesn’t seem to fit into workout timings. But on the flipside, I’ve been doing a lot of walking around because we’re saving cost and walking wherever we can. Hahaha. Yeah it doesn’t make much of a substitute. But yeah. Can’t wait to Crossfit BABY!!

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