Saturday, November 7, 2009

WOD 110709 Istanbul Golden Age 1 Otel

WOD 110709 Istanbul Golden Age 1
For Time Of :

100 Squats
2 Muscle Ups
80 Squats
4 Muscle Ups
60 Squats
6 Muscle Ups
40 Squats
8 Muscle Ups
20 Squats
10 Muscle Ups

Completed : 22:25 (Sub 3 HSPU’s + 3 Elevated ‘Table’ Dips For Muscle Up)

Ah the joys of hotel room workouts! No pull up bar, just HSPU. No ring dips, use a table and put your legs up on the tv table and dip! Heh. Thought the workout was really good and a great one before getting all motherfucking greedy on the free dinner trip which was coming. While I initially thought that the squats would rape my ass, the end was the hspu’s killing me to death and got me doing 6 by 6 to reach 30. Woo hoo! Yes, I miss PM’ing in Push More. Sigh.

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