Friday, January 1, 2010


Luck Of The New Year Card WOD
Time : 30 Minutes

A deck of 52 playing cards is divided in 2 to be given to the two 'rival' teams.
Each number on the card represents the number of reps that MUST be done while Jacks, Kings & Queens are 10 reps while Aces are 11 reps. The suit on the cards represent the workouts:-

Spades : Pull Ups
Hearts : CTF Push Ups
Clubs : Sit Ups
Diamonds : Squats
Joker : Run 1.2km

So if you pull up a King of Spades, Queen Of Spades and Ace of Spades 3 times, that means 30 Pull Ups! No questions asked! So it's all about the luck of the draw. Once the cards have been completed, both teams swap the cards and continue until the time limit of 30 minutes is over.

The team with the most cards at the end of the 30 minutes loses. Loser buys drinks!

Completed with Ben Yue & Jinn : We lost! Too many reps of CTF's, Pull Ups & Sit Ups & Squats FTW!

New Year Workout! Wooo hooo. Brutal Death Metal Style baby! I shall now call all crossfit workouts to be done in Brutal Death Metal Style! The workout was fun and crazy with the insane amount of reps which kept adding up. Especially if the same workout is repeated over and over with the same amount of reps! I ended running the lap 3 times anyway. Still enjoyed it 'to the max' (whatever the fuck that really means). More park WOD's this year brother!

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