Friday, February 26, 2010

WOD 022610

"Death by Thrusters"

With a continuously running clock do 1 Thruster the first minute, 2 Thrusters the second minute, 3 Thrusters the third minute, continuing as long as you are able to. Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Men @ 40kgs
Women @ 30kgs

Completed : 9 Rounds + 5 Reps (Total of 50 reps)

Thrusters why do you always leave me with a sense of fear every single time I have to pick you up and move in your dance. It's a horrible feeling to squat and thrust you and all of your 40kg greatness over my head without feeling liks shit and a buckling knee after 10 reps. Yes i know you are good for my ass and my traps but you really leave me with a love less desired feeling. I will practice your dace a little bit more and at a heavier rate because this year I promised that i would try the weakness dance. So here we go baby!

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