Tuesday, February 9, 2010

WOD 020910 Singapore Crossfit Visit

You Have Been Fed Poison
3 Rounds
5 Muscle Ups
21 Kettle Bell Swings @ 24kg
100 Double Unders

Completed : 22:46 (Sub 15 Seated Muscle Ups)

The thought of walking into Singapore Crossfit for a little visit turned out to be hell when I looked at the board and saw the workout. Muscle Ups, Double Unders? Shit! The stuff that i hate and can't do! Damn innit. Either way the experience was great and meeting Kevin from SGCF was cool and hearing his swear at the workout and blasting out fucking nu metal throug the single speaker felt a little different and very old school garage and reminded me of my old days as a teenager in the school's little gym working on bicep curls. The main difference i noticed with SGCF is the NO COUNT DUDE scream and the WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING! DO IT AGAIN being screamed in my face as I messed up the form with my KB swings. Getting the FORM right is extremely important and i'm thankful for Kevin for pointing that out while pushing and screaming during the class to get my act together.

It was an awesome experience to say the least and i'm hitting the pit a second time tomorrow to redeem my motherfucking self after this horrendous showing.

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