Tuesday, October 6, 2009

WOD 100609

Four rounds of:
Single Kettlebell Press, max reps
Single Kettlebell Push Press, max reps
Single Kettlebell Push Jerk, max reps

Men @ 24kg
Women @ 16kg

There is no time component to this workout. Complete all the exercises for one arm before switching over. You can only put the kettlebell down after completion of reps for both arms. Kettlebell can be held in either a rack or hang position.

Completed :
Sub 24kg Kettebell

Left (5,5,5), (5,5,4) (3,5,5) (5,5,5)
Right (7,7,6), (8,8,8) (5,8,8) (8,8,8)

Fucking mental workout. I initially wanted to rest but since it was more weights and upper body i thought it wouldn't be 'that' hard. Fuck my nuts, i was so fucking wrongs. Firstly during the push press and jerks, it pressed against my aching lower left back which didn't help. Secondly, not being able to put the weight down at the third and fourth round was mentally pushing my reserves and seriously fucks with your mind. Towards the last two rounds i seriously felt like DNF'ing the bloody workout. It seriously felt like sitting in an exam hall with no answers to all the questions and the way to the exit is scattered with broken glass.

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