Saturday, October 3, 2009

WOD 100309

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3


Run 5km for time.

Completed : 66lbs, 77lbs, 88lbs, 99lbs, 99lbs 32:29 (6km run)

The body is aching from a lack of rest and the lower back is quite screwed from the week's deadlifts. As stated yesterday, my left side of my body is weaker which points that my core is not strong enough which got me struggling during the shoulder presses whenever I tried to go heavy. Dick weed! I enjoyed the run, its the first 6km i've run in quite a while and i'm actually quite happy with my time. I stopped a couple of times not because I was tired but mentally my body was telling me to just walk. Heh. Must get better!!

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