Friday, July 10, 2009

WOD Annie & The Tabata Crossfit Endurance Run

WOD Annie
Double Unders

Completed : 16: 42

Tabata Run
8 Rounds of
30secs run(sprint)
20secs rest

Completed : 1375km

This week has been a funny week, did a lot of workouts but finished with an personally unsatisfactory time because I seem to lack the technical aspects of crossfitting like the 'double unders' and 'kipping' during a pull-up. It's humbling to know that I still have so much to learn and so much more to improve. I'm crossfitting to get fitter and that's progressing well enough but surely i can't forget to get the form and the technique's correct without more effort eh. So here's to the coming week and I'll make sure I try to refine what i'm lacking.

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