Friday, July 3, 2009

WOD 060309

"Death by 10 meters"

With a continuously running clock,run one lap (10m) the first minute, two laps the second minute, three laps the third minute... continuing for as many minutes as you are able. Make sure you touch the ground at the end of each lap.

Try to finish each lap as quick as possible, meaning sprint that lap yo !

Completed : 15 mins + 12 laps

Since its a Friday, my big ass balls advised me to get down with another workout! Oh yeah. That's what its all about homie!

WOD 060209
Three rounds for time of:
300 Rope Skips
30 Kettlebell Swings @ 24kg (M), 16kg (F)
30 Sit Ups

Complete : Over 20 minutes (Didn't time myself as I was already tired out from the previous workout)

Awesome! Targeted 12 rounds max but was able to dig deep enough to continously run until the 15th minute. I didn't know what was going on after the 12th round and basically just kept running. Counting the laps were also a problem. The best thing were the guys, girls & ladies in the gym who kept pushing us to run a few more rounds and then some. Great stuff. Thanks y'all!

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