Friday, July 10, 2009

WOD 070909

100 Pull Ups for time.

Completed: 26:11

As my right elbow - bicep - forearm area was experiencing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), i skipped the wednesday's workout and decided to do it after the WOD instead.


For time of:
800m Run
150 Squats
800m Run

Completed : 18:20

Was hurting like a mofo on the right arm, according to the guys they said it was probably due to 'not being used to the massive pull-up reps (in short, still noob) from the previous days which caused my left arm to be exhausted resulting in using my right arm to complete the pull-ups.

My timing was unsatisfactory but I guess I can't whine about it now, except that I know that U should have done much better with the run. Got to improve at a faster rate and push through the whole 'chill-the-fuck-out-pain-take-it-easy-excuses' mentality. Or at least try my hardest later today even if I have to pick my arms off the tarmac... or rubber mats.

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